Podcast: Girls With Guns, Part 1
What’s not to like about Girls With Guns? Well… let’s hold on a minute and take a look at women like Alana (pictured above, who not not only poses with guns but who is a gun owner and avid shooter)… Continue Reading
What’s not to like about Girls With Guns? Well… let’s hold on a minute and take a look at women like Alana (pictured above, who not not only poses with guns but who is a gun owner and avid shooter)… Continue Reading
Today’s review is of the Marlin X7 bolt action rifle, chambered in .223 I have shot .243 and .270 versions of the rifle and the are pretty much the same gun with different chambering/bolts, they have the same trigger groups,… Continue Reading
I *know* this prep isn’t something you’ve seen in some glossy magazine — because it’s dead cheap. People call it the Tippy Tap. It’s also very useful for how it handles the intersection of two problems: 1) Getting clean water… Continue Reading
The Prepper’s Glass of water: Photo courtesy Jan Willem Geertsma The Man Of The House: Let’s say someone puts a half glass of water on the table. I say it’s half full. What do you say? Me: Hmmm. Probably half… Continue Reading
Today’s review is of the Heritage Arms .22 & .22 Magnum convertible revolver, an enexpensive and readily available series of revolvers available at most gun stores. Heritage Arms .22 Philosophy of use from a prepping viewpoint: I own a couple… Continue Reading
Let’s live in our Circle Of Influence as a way to be better prepared. Spice and I think that most preppers (and most people in general for that matter) waste most of their time and mental energy paying attention to… Continue Reading
Some situations you prep for and hope they don’t come (I’m looking at YOU, major EMP!). Others situations you pretty much know are going to happen one year or another. Drought? It’s going to happen. Water collection for home use… Continue Reading
Do you have one of those Garden in a Box kits, where they sell you a bunch of heirloom seeds packaged to stay viable in a freezer for a decade or more, so you can grow your own food come… Continue Reading
I wouldn’t call it ‘super nutty’. Oats are definitely the main story. Continue Reading