My Take On 5 Guns To Own When Ammo Is Scarce

Let’s say that for whatever reason, guns are available but the ammo supply has dried up. We’ve seen it happen several times in recent years for various reasons and it’s likely to happen again one of these days. What are… Continue Reading


Avoid This One Critical Mistake I Made When Buying Ammo As A Prep

Here’s a lesson from the School of Hard Knocks. Sometimes buying ammo is a mistake… or at least buying the particular ammo that you put in your shopping cart is.  Ammo hard knocks I’ve made a lot of prepping mistakes… Continue Reading


Streamlining ammo… why we only shoot a few sizes of ammunition

I keep reading posts and articles about preppers who have umpteen zillion guns, each one using a different caliber of ammo. Let’s talk today about streamlining ammo sizes to maximize our preps. We’ve all heard a similar conversation: “Hey, I’ve… Continue Reading


URGENT! Buy Your Guns & Ammo Before The Gun Grabbers Shut You Down!

Gun grabbers are out there. A lot of people out there have relaxed following the recent election, a fact that is demonstrated by the huge downturn in sales of firearms and ammunition. Prices are dropping, we are seeking lower-end AR’s… Continue Reading