The Prepper’s Gut
If your gut’s not happy, You’re not happy. We tend to take our guts for granted, but if not taken care of they can ruin the best-laid prepping plans. How does the gut does its thing? What kinds of gut… Continue Reading
If your gut’s not happy, You’re not happy. We tend to take our guts for granted, but if not taken care of they can ruin the best-laid prepping plans. How does the gut does its thing? What kinds of gut… Continue Reading
Why all the bother about salt? In much of the world, no A/C in the summer means sweating. Hard work means sweating. Worry increases sweating. All this sweating depletes salt and water. If you’ve ever ended a work day by… Continue Reading
People seem to be talking about COVID-19 all the time now… but do you understand how it works, and how it is similar to other viruses and how it’s different? Here’s my summary of the parts that a prepper should… Continue Reading
At this writing, most of us are nowhere near anyone carrying COVID-19, the coronavirus currently spreading from its jump to humans in Wuhan, China. However, it’s generally expected (including by the CDC) to become pandemic; so that happy distance is… Continue Reading
As both a pathophysiologist and a prepper, I’ve been watching the progress of the coronavirus named COVID-19 with interest and some concern. It’s been roughly two months since the emergence of this virus was noted in Wuhan, China. Here’s how… Continue Reading
There’s a new virus in town, and no one is happy about it. Could this be it? Could the recently emerged coronavirus from China be the source of the next great pandemic? Why are people worried about the new coronavirus?… Continue Reading
After a recent post on earthquake preparedness, a reader indicated an interest in knowing what earthquakes did to wells (both water and gas) and their distribution. The question made me conclude I didn’t know enough about that topic, so I… Continue Reading
In one sense, pandemic responses are easy to figure out: Don’t come in contact with infected people. In another sense, it can be very difficult. Critical information is hard to come by: How bad is it? What kinds of contacts… Continue Reading
There’s a lot of attention paid in prepper circles to the TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) event: The One Big Thing that changes our worlds forever. Well, we ought to pay some attention to those.… Continue Reading
There’s food in them there hills. Not enough to live off of for long unless you’ve got serious skills and experience; but absolutely enough to add value, flavor, scarce nutrients, and variety to a diet. Foraging is also a great… Continue Reading
Weathering what storm, you ask? Doesn’t much matter. There’s always some storm in our futures. This isn’t as dramatic as a zombie apocalypse; but it’s one whale of a lot more likely, so it’s important to be ready. This post… Continue Reading
Suppose you need to bug out. Or just get home. Water is in your way. Here in the midwest, that’s been the main story of late spring. Bridges out, roads under water. Whether in a vehicle or on foot, ploughing… Continue Reading
Something bad’s gone down. Your community is getting by, because Hey, you were prepared and knew how to do some things. But now people are getting sick. There’s no word from the outside on what it might be; so you’ll… Continue Reading
There is So Much Stuff one could put in a medical kit. This is especially true for preppers, who are thinking about longer time frames and less access to services than your average household. However, money and space and weight… Continue Reading
Preppers frequently talk about what they should do under circumstances of “WROL” or “Without Rule of Law.” WROL means that normal civil society has collapsed and police and courts will not be enforcing order. It would be up to individuals… Continue Reading