#1 Prep? Eliminate Debt
My Most Important Prep – Eliminate Debt! We all have a plan to survive a tornado. We all have a plan to survive a hurricane. We all have a plan to survive a power outage. We all have a plan… Continue Reading
My Most Important Prep – Eliminate Debt! We all have a plan to survive a tornado. We all have a plan to survive a hurricane. We all have a plan to survive a power outage. We all have a plan… Continue Reading
Preparedness Prioritization Most of us are not recent lottery winners nor are we otherwise independently wealthy. Thus, we frequently need to make hard decisions as to where our money will be best spent. This includes what little we can carve… Continue Reading
Medicines are some of the things that might be hard to get in troubled times, and many of them can’t easily be replaced. The good news is that many are also quite cheap and readily available. In case you’re feeling… Continue Reading
Long shelf-life freeze-dried foods are ubiquitous in Prepper World. They’re pretty good and have an enormous shelf life, but they’re also fairly pricey. A vacuum sealer & system for mason jars gives you the capability to store a wide variety… Continue Reading
Great News! This post has been replaced by newer, updated ones. https://beansbulletsbandagesandyou.com/bullets/2019/05/09/five-super-cheap-preps-budget/ Did you know that Beans, Bullets, Bandages & you has a periodic newsletter? Get 3BY news & updates in your inbox! Subscribe to our mailing list! We… Continue Reading
We are here today talk you about money… specifically, about debt. No, we don’t want any of your money, What we want is for you to keep more of what you make, to both help you prep and also as… Continue Reading