Preppermed101: Emergency Burn Care
Don’t feel the burn I do some volunteer work for the Red Cross, and one thing we can count on is that when the going gets cold, there are a lot more fires. We fend off the cold with the… Continue Reading
Don’t feel the burn I do some volunteer work for the Red Cross, and one thing we can count on is that when the going gets cold, there are a lot more fires. We fend off the cold with the… Continue Reading
No class of drugs has saved more human lives than antibiotics. Using them improperly causes significant harm too. Improper use is not only wasteful but degrades your health in the short term and the usefulness of the drug within your… Continue Reading
Norovirus can sure ruin your day, your week, your trip or your bugging out. It probably won’t kill you, but it sure will make you wish you were dead. Norovirus – what is it and why should preppers (in particular)… Continue Reading
TENS for pain. Pain is hard to deal with at the best of times. The times we prepare for are not the best of times. The most common pain remedies are drugs, and the most potent of these drugs (the… Continue Reading
Oral care & the dentist. Not a very exciting or thrilling subject to think about and prep for, is it? Perhaps not, but one thing’s for certain. The last thing you want in a grid-down disaster situation is to have… Continue Reading
Long shelf-life freeze-dried foods are ubiquitous in Prepper World. They’re pretty good and have an enormous shelf life, but they’re also fairly pricey. A vacuum sealer & system for mason jars gives you the capability to store a wide variety… Continue Reading
The 4th in the Rule of 3’s is the amount of time someone can survive without food – three week period. Candidly, I didn’t consider three weeks without the possibility to resupply to even be a possibility. Seeing what happened… Continue Reading
The 3rd of The Rule of 3’s is 3 Days – that’s how long a human can go without water. Finding a short term water solution is a super easy and super cheap prep, but probably the most important for… Continue Reading
Needs are not mechanisms. Both of the photos below show men who had a need to breathe while under water. The men in the first photo (heroes all!) who had that need did not have the mechanism, and perished. The… Continue Reading
Here at 3BY, we have discovered there is a need for an easy, linear and focused strategy for people new to prepping. We are calling it Prepper 101. This series is intended for someone new to the concept of prepping.… Continue Reading
Our first goal is to survive the next three minutes. You may think to yourself, “I’m not a diver, so I don’t need to worry about this one.” Remember that every prep helps accomplish other goals. This is your 3-Minute… Continue Reading