Learning to Hunt
Learning to Hunt To be a real country boy prepper, you need to know how to hunt. Having lived all my life in relatively urban to suburban areas, hunting is not something I grew up with, or have done until… Continue Reading
Learning to Hunt To be a real country boy prepper, you need to know how to hunt. Having lived all my life in relatively urban to suburban areas, hunting is not something I grew up with, or have done until… Continue Reading
Just in time for fall deer hunting season, the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has issued a report that deer infected with tuberculosis can transmit that disease to humans. Knowing how to avoid infection is important any time you… Continue Reading
There’s food in them there hills. Not enough to live off of for long unless you’ve got serious skills and experience; but absolutely enough to add value, flavor, scarce nutrients, and variety to a diet. Foraging is also a great… Continue Reading
Salty and I make no bones that we think planning to bug out ‘into the woods‘ in the hunter/forager model is not realistic for most. Still, the ability to get a few fish to supplement boring and carb-rich stores, or tide… Continue Reading
Suppose you need to bug out. Or just get home. Water is in your way. Here in the midwest, that’s been the main story of late spring. Bridges out, roads under water. Whether in a vehicle or on foot, ploughing… Continue Reading
Fact. A lot (in some cases nearly all) of game wildlife and fish in the USA are stocked from commercial breeding programs. If the Stuff Hits The Fan, the stocking of game may well stop… leading to a nearly instantaneous… Continue Reading