BOB Needed – Chemical Fire Evacuation

A chemical plant fire is raging as I write this, and it’s a perfect example why all of us need to have a Bug Out Bag (BOB) ready to go at a moment’s notice.

chemical fire BOB needed

Photo courtesy WREX / KHQA TV.

BOB (Bug Out Bags) Are For Everyone

So many preppers say “I’m going to bug in when the Stuff Hits The Fan”, but in reality that’s often just not an option.

The sky being filled with toxic smoke is a pretty good example of why people may need to head out for someplace safer, and may need to stay away from the home if there are toxic problems after the fire (or whatever disaster set off the bug out) is over.

People Ordered Out

Here’s an excerpt from an article on our local TV station’s website:

“Governor JB Pritzker, D-Ill., has activated the State Emergency Operation Center to mobilize emergency response personnel and operational facilities to monitor a large chemical fire in Winnebago County.

Upon notification of the emergency, the state informed authorities in Winnebago, Stephenson and McHenry counties.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) dispatched crews to the area to assist local jurisdictions to expedite assistance and resources.

The Illinois State Emergency Operations Center in Springfield was activated and members of the Illinois National Guard and mobile response vehicles were dispatched to the area.

Residents within a two-mile radius of the Rockton facility have been evacuated, according to the Governor’s Office.”

Plan Your Bug Out, Bug Out Using Your Plan

Not only do people need to have BOB’s for every member of the family ready-to-go at a moment’s notice, but they also need to have both primary and secondary communications plans and pre-determined rally points. 

What do I mean by this? 

Cell phones are great, but what happens if they are not working, if they are drained, if the cell towers are down or overloaded with traffic? Do you have alternative meet-up and communications plans? If not, here are some recommendations that we have.

Finding a safe location

If you have to bug out, you need somewhere safe and ready to go to.

In the emergency mentioned here, the State was recommending that people “People are encouraged to seek shelter at Roscoe Middle School, 6121 Elevator Road in Roscoe.”

I don’t know about you good people, but heading over to a community shelter full of a bunch of people (and pets) who are highly stressed out, likely upset, and just “hanging out while the government does whatever it is it’s going to do” sure doesn’t sound like anything I’m interested in doing.

A far better idea would be to go to your pre-planned distant (but still relatively local) rally point where you could let things at home play out without being involved with a big crowd of upset, unsettled people.

What would Spice & I do?

We’ve actually gamed out this EXACT scenario, and here’s what we would do.

We game out scenarios all the time, and this one is nearly identical to the one we’ve previously had an article (linked above) about. 



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