Proximity Negates Skill

Proximity Negates Skill

This is a security and defense concept that is intuitive for some people but needs to be explained to others. The simplest way to think about it is this — the closer an attacker is to you, the less skilled they need to be in order to hit, injure, or kill you.

For example, we’ve all seen gang bangers, either in movies/TV or in real life, who hold their handguns sideways because they somehow feel they look cool doing so. At any sort of range from the target, they aren’t going to hit jack squat. But if they get within 5 feet or so, they can still kill you just as dead as leisure suits.

proximity negates skills

Proximity: The Closer The Threat

The closer the threat, the faster your own reaction time needs to be.

Think about it like this. If a guy is standing 100 feet away and throws a rock at you, not only will he need to be at least somewhat proficient with rock throwing to be able to hit you, you’re going to have a little bit of time to recognize he’s throwing a rock and move out of the way, right?

Now, move him to 4 feet away from you. Yeah, you’ll need fast reflexes if you don’t want to get hit. He also doesn’t need to have been a former ballplayer in order to nail you in the head at that distance.

Observe Orient Decide Act

When confronted by a threat, everyone goes through the same decision-making process, often referred to as the OODA Loop (Observe Orient Decide Act), which we’ll delve into further in a later installment.

For now, just understand that the OODA Loop is sort of the flowchart your brain goes through in determining what to do about something it is presented with, such as a threat.

Those who have undergone training can reduce the time this OODA Loop takes to complete. Either way though, it takes some amount of time and the closer the threat is to you, the less time you have available.

If I’m the attacker, the closer I’m able to get the higher the number of conventional weapon options available to me. If I’m 100 yards out, I’m pretty much limited to a rifle. At 25 yards, I could use the rifle, a pistol, even a rock if I have a decent arm and good eye.

At 2 yards, I can use any of those weapons as well as a knife, baton, hands, or feet, not to mention head butting, biting, and more. And again, the closer I am the less skilled I need to be with any of those options to injure or kill.

proximity negates skills


Fun fact – I spent a considerable amount of time in my youth hanging out in a bar playing pool. If things were getting sketchy for one reason or another, guys would always reach for a pool cue. Not me, I’d grab 3 or 4 balls from the pool table. I could pop someone right between the eyes from easily 15 feet away. Far better than having to get within arm’s reach and risk being overpowered. Remember – there’s no such thing as a fair fight.

The point is this — when it comes to defense, distance is your friend. Particularly in a grid-down scenario, establish a perimeter that makes sense for your situation and determine ahead of time how you will handle potential threats that breach that line, so to speak.

Keep in mind your own limitations as you do so. These include the weaponry and equipment you have, your skill with them, any physical issues you may be battling, and legal issues that may crop up once order has been restored.

This line of thinking should also play into your situational awareness on a daily basis. I’m not suggesting you go about your life keeping every human being a set distance away from you.

What I am saying is to keep in mind that when dealing with an individual who may be a threat, the closer they get to you the more dangerous they can be to your safety. Decide ahead of time exactly where the line is, so to speak, and what you’re prepared to do if it is crossed.

Better A Cheap Weapon Than No Weapon

Somewhat related to this concept, don’t underestimate a threat because they are carrying a weapon you feel is inferior. Just because the knife only cost $3 at a flea market and is stamped with Pakistan on the blade doesn’t mean it can’t perforate your lower intestine if the attacker gets in close. Many people scoff at Hi-Point firearms and perhaps some of them have a point. But, a 9mm round fired from a Hi-Point will hurt just as much as a 9mm round fired from a Glock. And neither one is likely to miss from 10 feet away. While choice of weapon can be indicative of the person’s experience or skill, if they get in close or just plain get lucky, the brand name of their knife or firearm won’t matter the least little bit.

About the author

Jim Cobb is a well known freelance author on survival and other topics.

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Jim Cobb

Jim Cobb

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