Range Report. 1/02/2020
Walther PPQ M2 .9mm Luger
I used Federal Black Pack 115 gr FMJ ammo for practice and noted that I had a magazine seating issue using that. I use Hornady for carry ammo and had no seating problems with that. I’m going to keep a log of which ammo does it so I can avoid those. Put approx 200 rounds through it at a variety of distances.
Once I got a good feel for it, I kept tight groupings up to around 10-15 yards. I’ve got some practicing to do. Got lectured by the range master for “rapid fire” when doing double taps even though I left a several second pause between. 🙄
Taurus G2S .9mm Luger
Federal Black Pack 115 gr FMJ. This was purchased at a gun show last year for my daughter and is unfortunately one of the poorer quality pieces. Online reviews indicate they are either great or terrible.
The slide was catchy feeling, it had had several misfeeds and accuracy issues (verified through consistent results with various shooters including a range master.) I recently did a more thorough clean and lube including the magazine and the slide runs much better now.
We still had one misfeed, accuracy was still off and I didn’t get around to adjusting sights this trip. It’s a piece of crap that isn’t worth having a gunsmith figure out but I’m going to see if I can get it at least usable as a backup. I put approx 50 rounds of the Federal practice ammo through it.
Ruger P89 .9mm Luger
This is my daughter’s fiance’s grandpa’s service pistol (we think Denver Sheriff’s Dept) from some years ago. Fiance was gifted it for Christmas as a family heirloom. I only put one mag through it, it fired surprisingly smoothly for as old as it is. Very pleasant to shoot. The hammer/slide combo threw me a little at first. I think it has less recoil than the Walther!
Taurus 306 Revolver .357 Magnum
Winchester .38 special 130 gr FMJ practice ammo. This has been my EDC for many years. My old reliable. My daughter asked for it for Christmas after the fiasco with the gun show Taurus piece of crap. Sad to let it go but it gave me an excuse to order the Walther I’d been wanting. It makes me feel better to have her carrying something I know is safe and reliable. Felt nice to shoot it again, (she’s had it since Christmas) like an old (and missed) friend..
I only put about 10 rounds through it, daughter put about 50 through it. I also had her load some older hollow point rounds (brand unknown) to show her the difference between the FMJ and HP. The difference isn’t massive on the target but can still be seen. Also showed her the differences between the .38 special rounds and .357 rounds.
While shooting the Taurus G2S, I managed to slice my thumb open, when the slide came back. When trying to figure out how that happened, I realized that because the grip is smaller, I unconsciously wrap my left thumb up over my right hand, as I often do when I shoot the revolver. Totally dumb move and it was a bleeder.
Made quite a mess.
I carry a Trauma Pak Pro (QuikClot and TQ) as well as IFAK everywhere so we got pressure on it quickly, got it washed, clean gauze and leukotaped it down to keep pressure on it so I could finish shooting.
When I got home, I cleaned it and put Wound Seal powder (same General stuff as in most hemostatic clotting agents except is a loose powder for minor wounds rather than a gauze or sponge) on it. That hurt worse than the original injury! Some choice words were shouted. The edges stay together nicely so sutures aren’t needed at this time but I will be monitoring closely for signs of infection.