Let’s be honest, camping means different things to different people. For the average camper or family getting away for some weekend camping, odds are you’ll be carrying a lot more gear and wanting something a little more luxurious. For the backpacker, you’re definitely looking for something lightweight that you can easily clip onto your pack, or take advantage of for extra storage options.
There’s a lot of things to consider and models to choose from when you’re looking to buying a great camping chair. To help you make sure you’re getting what you need (and want), ask yourself these 5 simple questions.
What Am I Using The Camping Chair For?
This is the first question you should ask yourself before buying a camping chair. For instance, if you’re a backpacker or prepping for when SHTF, a camping chair is a luxury. Consider it’s pack size and weight. You’ll want to look into compact stool options that clip onto backpacks and bug-out bags — it adds a bit of extra weight, but it won’t compromise the precious space in your pack.
On the other hand, if you’re just looking for a chair for some overnight camping or to use on the weekends, comfort should come first. It’s likely your car will be doing most of the heavy lifting, so go ahead and get what feels right.

Coleman Big & Tall Camping Chair
What Are My Height & Weight Requirements?
Your terrain may not always be the deciding factor, if you’re very tall, but if you know you’ll be on sandy or uneven terrain, you may want something a little lower to the ground. Stools are a great way for elevating you off the ground and also tend to have a greater max weight capacity than the typical folding chair. They can usually comfortably carry about double what a folding chair will do. And if you’re backpacking, you don’t really want to pack a chair heavier than two pounds.
What’s The Weather Like?
The terrain is one thing, but what about the climate? Stools are great because they’re sturdy and very portable. But they tend to be made of metals, which make them not a great option for winter camping. Your next option is nylon, which works great, thanks to being lightweight, durable, and water resistant.
You could also choose closed cell foam padding chairs. These are high-end comfort, and extremely water resistant. The foam won’t absorb water, so if you’re on a lake, or need to cross running water, they’re a great option. It also means you won’t be dragging water-logged gear if you find yourself stuck in bad weather!
How Portable Are They?
Stools win out on this one since they can easily be folded up and popped open in seconds. They attach easily to your backpack, meaning you can set up and tear down your campsite that much faster. The average lightweight folding chair works much the same. This is a key difference between backpackers and campers. Some chairs require a little setup, but if you’re on a hike and might make several stops, or backpacking for the long-haul, you won’t want a big, bulky chair with a lot of setting up involved.
What Features Do I Need?
Some major features for backpackers and preppers are often compactness and portability. You’ll want to find a chair that you can easily clip onto a backpack, weighs less than two pounds and can easily be plopped into your campground with ease and zero fuss.
For weekend campers, you might choose something a little sturdier, since it’ll usually stay in one place. You may want a chair with a cup holder or maybe just a little extra padding for your butt. You can even find camping chairs with lumbar support! It’s tempting, I know, especially if you’re spending long hours on the trail or climbing — your campsite is home sweet home!
There’s a couple of question you should consider before you buy a camping chair. First and foremost, is about what kind of camping you’ll be doing, and exactly how luxurious you need it.
For serious backpackers, the name of the game is space, so smaller, foldable options are best. But materials and seating style can have a huge impact on your overall experience. So remember to think about the weather and terrain you’re trekking, as well as how many nights you plan to be spending at the campground before you make your decision to purchase a camping chair.
About the author:
AJ is the chief visionary and doer of things at The Nexus Initiative, proud Eagle Scout and lover of all things Sci-Fi.
I use the Stansport folding camp stool, weighs 17 oz., and clips easily to the back of the pack. If SHTF, I will not be bringing the stool. It is a ‘nice to have’ item, and only ‘must haves’ will be making the trip.
I completely agree. Definitely, a “nice to have” item but not a “must have” for when SHTF.
The best “camping” chair is one I’ve got my wife from bass pro. It’s a rocker that folds up. It will hold weight and has outlasted many a cheap folder.
I’ve got those Walmart specials but I also keep some metal folding chairs from a National Guard armory closing I obtained. I’ve got hunting stools and my favorite turkey hunting chair that I will always try and keep if possible.
A lot of things will depend on how much you can take but several reside in the camper if we need to go quickly in that mode.