
One Comment

  1. Keeping your immune system as strong as you can, all of us are constantly exposed to various germs but a strong immune system works well for most things. Good nutrition and sleep habits are basic.

    Avoiding the unwashed hands to nose, eyes and mouth contact eliminates the most common vector for bad bugs. Train that habit into your family to reduce intra family exposures. Social distance/avoidance is a good idea but hard to pull off all the time. Although a M95 mask is nice (If Socially Awkward) even a simple scarf over your nose and mouth when someone is coughing is pretty useful.

    Having an medical isolation Kit and procedures already worked out to isolate family members when they look sick or were likely exposed to bad bugs can reduce effects and allow the healthy family members to help them recover. If most or all of your family is down who keeps the sick care, firewood, water, food and security going? Planning ahead with easy to cook foods, water and ready split-stacked firewood etc. helps when things go south.

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