Prepare To Repair Important Gear

repair kit

When we’re working inside, we wear what social need and mood dictate. When outside in rough weather, ‘clothing’ becomes ‘important gear’. Good boots and warm, water-shedding outerwear stand between you and injury or hypothermia. Good gear is not that hard… Continue Reading


Lessons From Ebola: Who Do You Trust?

trust ebola epidemic infection control center

If we trusted that The Government would always take care of us, we wouldn’t be preppers. Crises make such trust particularly problematic. Is the Official Word downplaying the problem to reduce panic? Is the Official Word exaggerating the problem in… Continue Reading


PrepperMed 101: Turmeric As An Anti-Inflammatory

curcuma turmeric

Now and again the ‘health crowd’ proclaims a new darling, ‘superfood’ that’s equal parts food and medicine. It’s touted as a cure for everything from asthma to zits. After the hype comes the research. Usually that’s where the new giant… Continue Reading