There might come a time for all of us when we need to get somewhere on our own muscle power. Bugout bags are certainly useful, but what if you’ve got more of a load to bring than you can carry? This is especially likely if you have small children (or pets you’re unwilling to leave behind) or have extra physical limitations. Let’s talk about some options for moving loads too big to simply carry.
Bicycles can carry more than you can
If you read much of our site, it won’t surprise you I went here first. Salty and I are big fans of bicycles as bugout vehicles. You can read about this option here. For today though, the highlight is on carrying a load. What are some good ways to carry loads on bicycles?
One can carry a backpack. The load does make you top-heavy, so extra care is in order, but it’s not too bad and gives you an easy option on how to proceed if, for whatever reason, the bike is no longer an option.
Bike trailers are great for kids, pets, or a load of gear. The kids and pets are generally quiet and content during the rides, and kids are often lulled to sleep. Some kid carriers are meant to double as strollers for jogging. Here’s an article that will give you an idea of what’s out there in the way of kid carriers.

Bike trailers can be made to carry kids, pets, or gear. They’re stable and could be a good solution.
You can get a kid bike seat to attach to the frame of a bike, but I don’t like what would be likely to happen to the kid if the bike went down, and they won’t hold much of a load.

My experience with extra weight in this spot is not positive, and spilling the kid would be worse than spilling the groceries.
Panniers don’t generally hold as big a load, but make for the most maneuverable option and can be put on some mountain bikes for worse terrain.

We’ve got a set of panniers we’ve used the heck out of for more than a decade.
Utility wagons are great for loads on roads or decent terrain
The grown-up version of the little red wagon can still carry kids, and is great for a load too. I’ve got one at The Place that I’ve used on moderately rough ground (too bad for a car, not too bad for a pickup) to very good effect. It’s a good option.

Here’s my utility wagon helping me plant trees. It’s tough and easy to draw.
Traditional wheelbarrows are poor load carriers if there are hills
Ah, the fond memories of being raced around the yard in a wheelbarrow when I was a kid! And when it slewed sideways and dumped me out on the grass it was nothing but a good laugh.

No thanks. These work pretty well on the flat if you’ve got good strong shoulders, but are otherwise treacherous.
It’s all fun and games until it’s your load of gear or someone small and fragile that’s dumped unceremoniously onto the ground by one of these unstable rascals. They’re fine for moving heavy loads on flat smooth ground, but are treacherous on bad ground and downright evil on hills, both down and up. I wouldn’t consider one for load movement if I could get a utility wagon or another good choice.
Overall, any load carrier will reduce your mobility somewhat. Nevertheless, if you need help with the load, there are several good options. Just remember to go sturdy or don’t bother. Depending on having help, then losing the help, is not where you want to be.