Jerry D Young: Thoughts On Barter And Trade – Part 1

Barter will happen

Barter will happen. Just like any other transaction, whether barter or trade of specific goods, payment by paper money, hard money, or some other form of currency is involved, some people will accept the terms of the exchange and some will not. If the price is too high or too low, depending on which end of the deal you are on, no transaction will take place.

When it comes to money, it is a matter of trust. Do you trust the individual to have the real thing, and do you trust that someone else will take it in future trade? Because some will, I will have some gold and silver. Because some will not, I plan to have trade goods, also.

Silver coin barter

I am not too concerned about there being a lot of counterfeit gold and silver out there in the aftermath of a disaster. If the economy becomes standardized on hard money again, then yes, there will undoubtedly be counterfeiting going on. Always has been, always will be. I have received counterfeit bills before, so I know the risk is there. I just consider it a small risk, then and in the future.

Judge each exchange

I will judge each exchange on an individual basis and decide which form of payment I am willing to make or accept. The other party will have to make the same determination.

Some people, on the other hand, think the common currency will be ammunition. Then there are about as many other opinions as there are other people. I believe, that since people recognize the fact that gold and silver coins circulated in the past as relatively stable money, that when (maybe if, but more likely when) paper money loses value, they will go back to recognizable gold and silver coinage.

I do think people will trust the pre-1965 silver coins and the newly minted Gold Eagles of various denominations. The Gold Eagles have a dollar value and gold content on them, so it will make it easy to do transactions. I think people will go the easy route and use them. One or two compact coin references that show the coins, their precious metals content, and the years they were minted will go a long way to convincing people that have no common knowledge about PM coins just what it is you have. Or, in many cases what they have, or do not have.

“Show Me”

Again, this is just one person’s opinion. I value other points of view. Makes me think. I actually sometimes change my opinion. Rarely, though. I am from Missouri originally and you definitely have to “Show Me”.

The Big Five trade goods in my opinion are liquor, tobacco, coffee, sugar, and gasoline. Other high ticket items are meat, pain medications, feminine hygiene items, milk, baby things, toilet paper, lighters & matches, chocolate, salt, seeds, canning lids, cooking oils, gloves, socks, needles & thread, and other fuels.

Other items to stock are ammunition; various condiments, herbs, and spices; flour (or wheat and a grinder), and other OTC medicines beside pain meds.

All of your trade goods should be purchased in case lots of the smallest practical sealed individual packages available. While you could save money by buying cases of the larger packages you might have trouble getting an equitable trade for the packages when things are tight. By buying the smaller packages in case lots, you do recoup some of the difference. So go for the liquor in pints, coffee in one-pound cans, etc.

Human consumables

All of the human consumable items possible should be vacuum packed or canned to provide the longest possible shelf life.

Sugar, salt, and wheat will last indefinitely if kept dry, cool, and rodent proof, so store sugar and salt in one-pound paper packages in larger cans or pails with tight, waterproof lids, or get the professionally packed #10 cans or Super Pails. Keep wheat and a grinder, rather than flour. Grind as you need for trading.

Factory assembled ammunition will keep for twenty years or more if reasonable care is taken.

Temperature matters

Both cocoa and bar chocolate should be kept. I have kept cocoa for over a year in the original can with little deterioration. And while it tends to separate, milk chocolate stays edible if kept cool in a tight container. Stored candy and nuts should be the canned type. Pepper keeps well in the allmetal can type container.

Follow the same temperature and humidity provisions for the soup, canned meat, and powdered milk. I include canned meat in the trade goods list, but not vegetables, because I believe that meat products will disappear faster and be harder to obtain after a disaster than vegetables and fruits. Americans consume huge amounts of meat and are accustomed to it. Fruits and vegetables can be grown fairly easily. Meat cannot.

Keep tea in its original cellophane sealed package, and place it in airtight cans. Consult with your doctor on medicines to keep for trade, but you must stay away from prescription items and just stock Over The Counter medications and supplies.

Lay in the matches. They disappear rapidly when you must light fires, candles, and lamps, every time you want to cook or have light. Get only wooden strike anywhere kitchen matches, not book matches or safety matches that must be struck on the box.

Soaps will also disappear quickly, I feel, so stock Lava soap at least, and perhaps bleach, laundry soap such as Fels-Naptha, dish detergent, and bath soap. I particularly like Ivory since it floats and is very mild.

Never show more than necessary for a given trade. Never let on like you have more.

Only trade alcohol, weapons, and ammunition to those you know will not be a problem for you later.

Jerry D Young

Jerry D Young

About the author: Jerry D Young is an Author, Prepper, Consultant, Philosopher who resides in Nevada. He has written over 100 books, many of which are available at this link:

“I have been a prepper for more than 50 years. I believe that the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have had it right for decades…”Be Prepared.” Unfortunately, we, as a country seem to have gotten away from that philosophy. There has been a disconnect from the “Old Ways so profound, some people don’t really understand where their food comes from. 

That’s not a problem until the “System” fails. Be it from a hurricane, earthquake, tornado, flood or even a closed road or train route. The system is designed to get JUST what is needed to the stores JUST when it’s needed. So if the “System” fails, then the things we need…the things we believe will be there aren’t. That’s when being a prepper makes sense. Being able to be self-sufficient for the the time needed until the “System” recovers…regardless of how long that takes. 

That’s why so many of my books incorporate the theme of “Being prepared.” Hope you enjoy them!”

Jerry D Young


  1. book matches are a good trade item. you can store a lot of them at low cost and very little space. just vacuum pack them and the will stay good for years. bleach has a VERY poor shelf life. Not a item to try to store. You missed a very good item – Fish Hooks.

    • Thanks for the comment, Ben, I agree fish hooks would be an outstanding item to store for barter, especially since they never go bad if kept dry. Don’t worry too much about him missing items, though, this is part one… there are many items yet to come (I’ve seen the whole thing 🙂

  2. JDY! The man, the myth the legend! I’ve read so many of his stories, it’s hard to keep track of them. Nearly every single one I learned something new from them. Really looking forward to his stuff.. (Please I didn’t intend any disrespect toward current contributors.)
    So many things to put away for barter is only limited to your imagination and space available to store it so it’s always to have a notebook of items that would be good trade material or keep handy a list of items people are looking for – even if it’s just in your neighborhood. I’ve noticed the new Ivory soap after about 4 years unless it’s been vacuum packed gets a odd texture to it.

  3. Bleach has a shelf life of 6 months to 1 year. Think pool shock. Do your homework on this.
    I ate some minute rice that had been in the freezer 7 years. Perfectly fine.
    canned ravioli, 5 years… fine.
    bisquick, 5 years in freezer. Fine.
    ALOT of this depends on the environment it is stored in. No, SHTF , we probably wont have freezer running, but until then, it will last better . I keep all my meds and such in a dorm fridge. Same with my heirloom seeds. 40 degrees.

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