Arming a Squad: Part 1
Discussions of guns on prepper forums are a real hoot. They assume that the folks involved in a Mutual Assistance Group (MAG), or Squad, are all ex-military and the debate revolves around modern battle rifles, and the need for standard load outs. Clearly the expectation is that the post-apocalyptic world will be a violent place.
Not so fast
On the other hand, my Squad consists of grandparents, grandchildren, folks that have never held a gun, and probably won’t handle a gun pre-SHTF. As a result, gearing up defenses for the group will be a challenge.
Understand that while some of you may be dealing with grandchildren like the girl pictured here, my grandchildren are more into toilet training than firearms training. 😊 So what should I do for post-apocalyptic defense against Mutant Zombie Biker (MZB) hordes?
Securing the House
The first issue is securing the house. My house is a decent size house, but the construction is typical suburban house, and it will not stop a bullet if we are attacked by a gang of Mutant Zombie Bikers (MZB). As a result, I again want to put everything against the outside walls, not unlike the nuclear bunker plans, including 1000 cu. ft. of food, and 200 cu. ft. of dog food.
Will a bag of dog food stop a bullet? I guess that depends on the bullet. 😊 1000 lbs. of food placed inside a door will certainly make that door harder to open. The outside walls will be a foot thick everywhere when we’re done.
The Squad
For defense, I need to separate the MAG between those I consider “trainable” and those who shouldn’t ever handle a firearm. In the latter category are my 3 year old granddaughter (well maybe someday for her, but not soon) and my wife, who refuses to take a firearms safety course, and thinks square body Suburbans are ugly. ☹ However, that still leaves me with about a dozen typical Peoples Republic of New Jersey suburbanites. There are five who have taken a firearms safety course and occasionally go to the range, mostly because I invite them. Of those, only one has personal firearms. That is the result of living in one of the most anti-gun states in the country. Acquiring firearms is a PITA, so people tend not to be gun owners.
Firearms Training, get the finger off the trigger!
However, starting with five people, who I can at least trust to not blow off somebody’s toe, and a bunch of .22LR (still working on that) the idea of training is not ridiculous. Next, I need firearms for this group. Remember the 900 lb. safe? I am in the process of filling it with “jewelry”, with an emphasis on .22s for training. What sort of “jewelry” do I recommend for a squad like mine (and possibly yours)?
The New Jersey Loaner Package
Salty has spoken of having spare firearms for folks who show up without any firearms, and referred to those as “loaner packages”. I like the idea, but have gone a different route on what to include in a “loaner package” for our respective MAG members.
The differences are partly due to differing preferences, partly due to the Peoples Republic of New Jersey laws, partly due to acquiring firearms at different points in time, and partly due to the fact he knows more about firearms than I do. 😊 Prices for firearms have been volatile, and an excellent choice today may be triple the price in a couple years. As a result, my choices are subject to change if I am unable to acquire desired quantities at reasonable prices.
We have established that I have a small group that can safely handle firearms, a wider group that are trainable, and a remaining group that needs to be protected. As a result, I want firearms that are light weight and light caliber, reliable and easy to get parts for, and inexpensive. Ideally, I would have complete “loaner packages” for those capable of handling firearms, since they mostly don’t own their own firearms.
Mutant Zombie Biker
So far, I have discussed my group’s challenges in defending ourselves again Mutant Zombie Bikers and other dangerous groups. I doubt anyone who has read this first part thinks we have much of a chance, but remember: Our MZBs are Peoples Republic of New Jersey MZBs. How bad can they be? (New Jersey is the car-jacking capital of the world, so perhaps pretty bad.) Then again, our biggest problem may be bears or other wildlife.
In the next part of this two part series, I will discuss the specific equipment I hope to provide our squad of grandchildren and non-preppers.
Lethal objective weapons training for the reluctant or previously uninitiated can be done with, ‘non-lethal or non-firing’ equipment if that is all that is available to you at the time.
The important thing is to have, ‘a lethal mindset intent and best practise firearms discipline when self defence training for your home or personal survival scenarios, coupled with a realistic assessment of the perceived risk to yourself and your family. A conditioned lethal mindset will be the best defensive weapon in your arsenal if you are unfortunate enough to be targeted for attack, assuming all other reasonable home and personal security precautions are taken. But in developing this mindset recognizing when not to employ it trumps all other cards. Adopting this approach is not so much a way of thinking, it is more a way of life! Regards.
My strategy is simple. First make it fun by using gongs and Tannerite targets where feasible. I start with 22LR for anyone not familiar with handling firearms and safety. It’s has less recoil and a quieter report than larger calibers so it’s easier to condition novices with it. My strategy for defense of the homestead involves 22LR for fire suppression so anyone minimally trained can participate on the fire-team. As each member becomes more proficient at shooting I move them up to .223/5.56 followed by large bores and/or 12 gauge. At each training session I, and anyone considered a marksman, practice with .308/7.62 and .338 as others observe. This acquaints the newbies with the recoil and report they can expect without shouldering the firearm. Pistol training is always last in my scheme because it entails close quarter combat and requires much more training (i.e. IDPA).
Oh this is going to be a good series! “Back in the day” the couple of groups I was with had Mosin 91/30’s and various 22lr rifles as handouts for MAG members or accepted family/friends who couldn’t afford the AR/AK series of rifles that was group standards. Training would be with the 22lr rifles until they could become proficient with larger caliber firearms. Our plan was that every adult had access to a firearm while on their duty shift, firearm was matched to their level of training IF they had to be provided one. When shift was over, firearm/ammo was turned back in. I still plan on using that plan if family/friends show up unarmed post-shtf and need to be armed.
Thank you for the comments. I hope you all like next week’s Part 2!
was thinking about this a little more last night. Years ago a group could afford to put away a few extra Mosin’s or Sks’s that were $80-100 each, revolvers could be found for around $100-$200 all day long. What firearms today would fit that role? Up to $250 range? Hi Point carbines/pistols, S&W Sigma, single shot 12ga shotguns and NEF single shot rifles?
There are several pretty good choices, actually, in the sub $250 range.
Several versions of the Maverick 88 shotgun fall into this, including a riot gun & a slug-thrower, and one of my favorite new guns in this price range is the Rock Island M200 .38 Special, a quality firearm in the $225ish range,
Here’s a link to my review of this:
Century imports a Zestava M88 in 9mm and .40S&W for $250, they are a good gun. I’ve shot a 9mm but don’t own one.
The Kel-Tec P11 9mm is in the price range, no experience with one of them though.
Moving up to $300 opens up a lot of the excellent EAA options including the Windicator .357, just to name a few.
Each group needs to mak.e its own decisions about what makes sense at the time they are acquiring. Salty’s decisions and mine are different. Prices change over time, state laws vary, etc. I’ll share my choices in part 2
Great article, Paranoid Prepper. I look forward to the next part of the series. I have completed the minimum recommended requirements for an individual. I am now in a similar situation you describe in considering stocking some items for others in my anticipated MAG.
I look forward to reading what you have determined to do.