PrepperNomics 107:  Examining Precious Metals For If The SHTF Or If It Doesn’t

PrepperNomics 107:  Precious Metals The subject of precious metals comes up often in prepper circles, either because of lack of confidence in the current monetary system, or because of a belief that precious metals will reassert themselves as mediums of… Continue Reading


3BY Antibiotics & Vitamins Article Featured On Prepper Website Podcast

Another of our articles has been featured on the excellent Prepper Website Podcast. Spice’s PrepperMed: Antibiotics and Vitamins: Both Good, but Not Always Together is the second article featured on Episode 200 of the Prepper Website Podcast.  http://www.theprepperwebsitepodcast.com/ep-200-fire-response-plan-antibiotics-and-vitamins/ Full circle… Continue Reading


PrepperMed 101: Antibiotics and Vitamins – Both Good, but Not Always Together


Vitamins do some funky things when taken with antibiotics, they can “mess up” antibiotic activity while antibiotics can “mess up” with vitamins as well. Todd’s vitamins & antibiotics story A couple of days ago, we listened to Todd Sepulveda’s Prepper… Continue Reading