PrepperGuns 101: Nine Steps New Gun Buyers Should Follow When Shopping For A Handgun
Great news, this article has been superseded by a new one!
Great news, this article has been superseded by a new one!
I’m not a SuperPrepperSurvivalistNinja™. I’m kinda old, I’m carrying around far too many pounds (I’m working on that), and I’m not an aggressive go-getter killing machine. You probably aren’t either… at least, I HOPE you aren’t. SuperPrepperSurvivalistNinja™ I’ve decided to revisit… Continue Reading
I was driving down Interstate 55 on my way south between St. Louis & Memphis. On a whim, I took the Highway 62 exit west towards Lilbourn. I drove about half a mile down 62, slowing down when I passed… Continue Reading
This is the first part in a prepper’s economics series here on 3BY by Paranoid Prepper. Living near New York City, some of you might suspect that I work in the local industry, finance. I do, but I am not… Continue Reading
If you are new to firearms, you are probably wondering “so what’s up with all the bullet sizes & all those codes?” Never fear, we’ve got a few simple answers for you to get you started. Over the last 150… Continue Reading
One common theme that runs through the prepper community has always baffled Salty & Spice, and that’s the apparent lack of concern for the environment… the same environment we depend upon for our daily survival. Spice & Salty are conservationists,… Continue Reading
Before we go too far into this PrepperGuns 101 series, I want talk about something critically important to everybody, firearms safety. First, let’s just start with the four laws of firearms safety. RULE I: All guns are always loaded RULE… Continue Reading
Welcome to another edition of Salty’s Gun Review. The views expressed are my own, and I will pull no punches… these are guns I own and shoot, and I will address them from a “prepping/survival perspective”. I am reviewing one… Continue Reading
In previous posts of this series (Part 1, & Part 2), we’ve talked about how to approach the topic of prepping with a reluctant spouse, and some talking points to counter some of the common objections. There’s even a podcast meant to… Continue Reading
Welcome to the debut of our new PrepperGuns 101: Firearms Information For Beginning Preppers Today’s installment is about “magazines and clips”. What exactly are they? What kinds are there? What is the difference between a magazine and a clip? These… Continue Reading
With the end of summer, it is time to prepare for winter. One of the most common problems through much of the US is snowstorms. We even had one a couple years back in Atlanta, GA that created a huge… Continue Reading
Did you know we have a newsletter? We put out a newsletter every two weeks, a simple, graphics-free, quick & easy reading update about what’s new on the website and previews of what’s coming up in the near future! Some… Continue Reading
The reluctant spouse.In Part I of this series, we looked at how to find out just why The Spouse is reluctant, and how to approach bridging the gap. We then recorded a podcast for for preppers to play for their… Continue Reading
In this special podcast from Salty & Spice, we talk not to our brother & sister preppers but rather to their reluctant spouses. All too often the prepper sees this: While his or her spouse is like this: Here’s… Continue Reading
As in every other aspect of life as a couple, things go along much faster and more smoothly if spouses basically agree on goals and means. So what’s a person who sees a need to prep to do when a… Continue Reading