Wounded Knee.
Most people have heard of it, but were I a betting man I would wager that few people in the prepper community have even given the thought of Wounded Knee or the “settlement of the west” the slightest consideration when thinking about prepping.
HUGE mistake.
There are lessons for preppers to learn from Wounded Knee.
We put together a special podcast on the subject. I admit it rambles a bit, but we bring up several points and give take-aways for you to think about.
Rather than authoring a history lesson, I will borrow a bit from this Wikipedia entry on the subject: “The Wounded Knee Massacre (also called the Battle of Wounded Knee) occurred on December 29, 1890,[5]near Wounded Knee Creek (Lakota: Čhaŋkpé Ópi Wakpála) on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the U.S. state of South Dakota.”
I’m going to bottom line it here, and let you listen to the podcast…
The US Government went illegally onto Lakota land to arrest people for carrying out peaceful religious rights, and ended up butchering (literally) the old, women and children, all because they could get away with it.
Ancient history? Ruby Ridge. Waco.
To learn the lessons of Wounded Knee one must set aside blind knee-jerk patriotism and realize that men with guns will come and kill you if you don’t behave exactly like they want you to.
PS: What you are not going to see here are pictures of the current Wounded Knee memorial, which is ill-maintained, run-down and surrounded by locals who harass visitors to buy their crafts, using children to guilt people into making overpriced purchases. A sad way to treat a sad memorial.
I’ve been to the wounded knee memorial, it’s in terrible condition. A shame. Nobody tried to sell me anything (I was there in the winter) but there is a “stand” nearby where they set up when the weather is good.
Interesting show. A very sad period in our history.