In this edition of the 3BY podcast, Salty and Spice take a look at their current rainwater collection and storage situation at both the homestead and at The Place.
Rainwater collection

Hauling water at The Place during tree planting time
In the podcast, Spice details her rainwater collection system and drip irrigation systems at the homestead.
In her articles recently, she detailed both the new drip irrigation installation (CLICKY) as well as the water barrels that are now in use watering the gardens and trees at the homestead.
Non-rainwater storage
They also talk about their indoors water storage system in 55-gallon food proof drums, and how they use those drums to water the garden in the summer when it’s time to refresh the water with a new fill-up.
Lastly, the two talk about their water situation out at the place. Water there is one of the largest yet-unaddressed challenges in the construction of a viable bug-out facility.
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That was a good show. I’m always looking for good ideas about water. Keeping the storage drums on the second floor is great for gravity assisted access, but aren’t you worried about floor loading?
I store water in 5-gallon food-safe carboys; easy to tip to pour or to move around.
The floor of our house is elevated, it’s not really a true “second floor” but we certainly do keep floor loading and weight in mind when storing the water… the water is kept right along the wall, so it sits as close as possible to where the house meets the foundation. Additionally, the barrels are not only in different rooms but they are on completely opposite sides of the house from the other, and not near anything else heavy.
We sure did consider it, SideKahr … to the point of going into the basement and examining the beams under our target spots. Our house is old and built by the carpenter who lived in it first; the thing is Solid. If our joists were less robust, we’d have gotten some sort of a non-electric pump and put them in the basement.